Sunday, January 18, 2009

Aaron Sorkin: His WEST WING Is my favourite: How do I get on a show like that?

QUESTION: I like tv shows like WEST WING, created by Aaron Sorkin. How do I become a writer on shows like that?

ANSWER: It's very hard to get a job as writer on a tv-show. The best thing to do is write a spec script. Not a spec for WEST WING, but for a show that you like on tv NOW. Every agent and manager want a good spec script, because it will get you a job as a tv writer. (Even better: write a couple of different spec scripts...)

DID YOU KNOW: Aaron Sorkin's first big succes was when his original stage play A FEW GOOD MEN was made into a movie by director RON HOWARD (DA VINCI CODE),  with TOM CRUISE, DEMI MOORE, JACK NICHOLSON and KIEFER SUTHERLAND. Recently Aaron sold a script to Hollywood for a lot of money. But then he suddenly thought: Hey, it would be better as a play. So he bought it back and now it is a play...

On the picture: Mr Screenplay and Aaron Sorkin, writer of WEST WING, CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR (with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts) and many more.

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