Sunday, January 18, 2009

Aaron Sorkin: His WEST WING Is my favourite: How do I get on a show like that?

QUESTION: I like tv shows like WEST WING, created by Aaron Sorkin. How do I become a writer on shows like that?

ANSWER: It's very hard to get a job as writer on a tv-show. The best thing to do is write a spec script. Not a spec for WEST WING, but for a show that you like on tv NOW. Every agent and manager want a good spec script, because it will get you a job as a tv writer. (Even better: write a couple of different spec scripts...)

DID YOU KNOW: Aaron Sorkin's first big succes was when his original stage play A FEW GOOD MEN was made into a movie by director RON HOWARD (DA VINCI CODE),  with TOM CRUISE, DEMI MOORE, JACK NICHOLSON and KIEFER SUTHERLAND. Recently Aaron sold a script to Hollywood for a lot of money. But then he suddenly thought: Hey, it would be better as a play. So he bought it back and now it is a play...

On the picture: Mr Screenplay and Aaron Sorkin, writer of WEST WING, CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR (with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts) and many more.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Star Screenwriting: Should I always write for a star?

QUESTION: Should I ALWAYS write with a movie star in mind?

ANSWER: If you write your screenplay with a great part in it for a star, then you have a great chance that your screenplay will be sold. Because once a star says: I want to do this movie, the movie has a good chance that it will be financed. 

There is ONE EXCEPTION: In the horror-genre there are no stars. The guy on the picture plays JASON, the star of the new FRIDAY THE 13TH.  Nobody will ever recognize him, because he wears his ski mask...

DID YOU KNOW: The guy right on the picture next to Mr Screenplay is Derek Mears. He is a stuntman, who likes the FRIDAY THE 13TH-movies very much. When he heard of the remake, he auditioned for the JASON-part, although he doesn't have very much acting experience. But... he got the star part of the movie...

Mark Travis: Should a screenwriter attend a workshop for directors?

QUESTION: Can a screenwriter learn anything useful at a workshop for directors? 

ANSWER: Of course it's always interesting. Take world famous directing-guru Mark Travis: His workshops are great for directors and screenwriters, because he believes in collaborating between  directors, writers and actors. Also his book THE DIRECTORS JOURNEY is very instructive for starting screenwriters to see how directors work with your screenplay.

DID YOU KNOW: Mark is an Emmy winner, that gives workshops from Los Angeles to Japan and from Russia to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He also directed a SOPRANO'S-spoof, called THE BARITONES.

On the picture: Mark Travis and Mr Screenplay with the book SCREENWRITING FOR MONEY AND AWARDS

Karl Iglesias: Which of his books do I really need?

QUESTION: I know Karl Iglesias is one of the best screenwriting teachers in the world. Which of his books do I really need?

ANSWER: Both of Karl's books are great. THE 101 HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESFUL SCREENWRITERS gives you a good insight in the world of succesful screenwriters. WRITING FOR EMOTIONAL IMPACT gives you tools to give your screenplay the most emotional impact on the reader, that is going to decide if your script will be bought. 

DID YOU KNOW: Karl is the son of two Flamenco dancers. That's why he travelled a lot in Europe and the United States. On the picture you see Karl and Mr Screenplay with the book SCREENWRITING FOR MONEY AND AWARDS. Karl told me he reads every screenwriting book there is...


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shane Black: Can I make as much money as he did with LETHAL WEAPON?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Screenplay, screenwriter Shane Black made a lot of money, when he sold his spec script LETHAL WEAPON. That was 20 years ago. Can that happen to me too?

ANSWER: Actually, he 'only' got 250.000 dollar for LETHAL WEAPON. He sold it when he was 22 years old. But a couple of years later his screenplay THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT made a record 4 million dollar.

Yes, of course: It can happen to you too.  If your script is great, they love to pay you 4 million.

DID YOU KNOW: 5 of his scripts start with the letter 'L'. 4 of his scripts take place during Christmas. In his version of LETHAL WEAPON 2 Mel Gibson was killed (and that's why they never made it).

On the picture:  from right to left SHANE BLACK and MISTER SCREENPLAY

Syd Field: Do I need him as a screenwriter?

QUESTION: Dear Mister Screenplay. Do I need Syd Field? I want to be a screenwriter, and I see there are a lot of "how to write a screenplay" books. The books of Syd Field seem to be the oldest, but it looks like you need them. What do you think?

ANSWER: Syd Field was the first, 30 years ago. He was revolutionary then. But recently new books have come, that are much more clear and much more helpful. 

So: If you are a beginner (and if you want to believe screenwriting is easy), read Syd Field. 

But if you really want to be a working screenwriter, it's not enough. Look for the latest books on screenwriting. 

DID YOU KNOW: Syd Field's car numberplate says "PLOTPOINT". He sold more than 1 million books on how to write a screenplay. A couple of years ago he had a screenplay for sale that he wrote himself: genre: science fiction. 


Dustin Hoffman: Will he read my screenplay?

QUESTION: Dear Mister Screenplay, what are the chances Dustin Hoffman will read my screenplay? I think it's the new TOOTSIE.

ANSWER: If your screenplay is great not only Dustin Hoffman will die to read it, but every A-star in Hollywood. Just call Dustin's agent at the Endeavor Agency. But I'm not so sure if a star wants to repeat an old succes...

DID YOU KNOW: Dustin Hoffman was considered for the Al Pacino-part in THE GODFATHER. He was also considered for the Harrison Ford-part in BLADE RUNNER. He wanted to do GANDHI, but choose TOOTSIE. For this movie he was Oscar nominated, the Oscar went to... GANDHI.